Vehicle Care Products
A Full Line Manufacturer
Beyond manufacturing, packaging, distribution and administration of appearance protection products and warranties, ECP also manufactures a complete line of reconditioning, detailing, prep and service chemicals as well as automated carwash chemicals and facility maintenance cleaners. We also distribute equipment and supplies for the proper application of appearance protection, reconditioning, and detail products.
Technician’s Choice®
Professional Detailing, Prep, Reconditioning and Service Chemicals
Quality products for Prep, Detailing, Reconditioning, Service and Body Shop Departments, plus specialty products, aerosols, facility maintenance, bench chemicals, shop supplies and equipment.
For a complete list of our products, please see our Appearance, Reconditioning, Prep and Service Chemicals catalog as well as our Fasteners, Hardware, Shop Supplies and Equipment catalog below or visit the Technician’s Choice® website.

Platinum Professional Car Wash Systems®
Professional Car Wash Chemicals
A complete line of professional series products created and formulated exclusively for tunnel, automated, or handwash operations; complemented by a full merchandising signage program.
For a complete list of our products, please see information from our catalog below or visit the Platinum Professional Car Wash Systems® website.

Professional Cleaning Tools
Tornador Car Cleaning Tools are the fastest and easiest way to clean all automotive surfaces. The Tornador® works with your air compressor to blast cleaning solution into crevices you can’t reach by hand. Clean carpet, plastics, and upholstery inside the vehicle. Clean wheels, convertible tops, and body seams on the exterior. The Tornador® Car Cleaning Tool cleans where other tools can’t!
For a complete list of our products, please see information from our catalog below or visit the Tornador® website.

Fragrances Unlimited®
100% Oil-Based Fragrances and Tire Shine
ECP’s Fragrances Unlimited line-up features 100% oil-based fragrances, available in 2oz. bottles (glass or plastic) with a no clog sprayer. Just one spray, lasts all day!
For a complete list of our products, please see information from our catalog below.

Detail Xpress™
Preferred Car Care Products
Includes a full product line-up featuring glass cleaner, carpet stain and spot remover, foaming upholstery cleaner, interior detailer, spray shine ultimate cleaning wax, and more!
For a complete list of our products, please see information from our catalog below or visit the Technician’s Choice® Website.

Catalog Products

New Vehicle Care Product Releases
Programs and/or coverage may not be available in all areas, please inquire. Certain exclusions may apply, see a copy of the written warranty for complete details.